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Tummy Tuesday - 26 Weeks

*Wearing a dress my mom gave me a few years back. 
How far along?  26 weeks! I will be 27 weeks tomorrow. How is it that I am almost 7 months pregnant..?!? The time has really gone by so quickly.  Baby Shea is the size of an eggplant. 

Total weight gain/measurements: My tummy is officially round!! By the end of the day it looks like I'm smuggling a soccer ball under my shirt. So far it looks like all of the weight gain is in my my belly. I did step on the scale a few days ago and if it was correct (not too sure) then I have gained 12 pounds so far.

Maternity clothes: Still hating them. I wear the jeans, but everything else is still from my regular wardrobe. I add tank tops under shirts that are getting too short..we'll see how long I can get away with this.

Stretch marks: None so far. My mom recently told me that she didn't get stretch marks with my sister (first baby)..woo hoo!!
Sleep: I'm having a hard time getting comfortable still and the pregnancy pillow & I have yet to come to an agreement. For now I am sleeping ok with a ton of pillows behind me (pretty much sitting up), but it's starting to hurt my hips and butt so I need to find a new position.

Best moment this week: Feeling Shea's kicks. I can officially tell when it's a foot that's moving in there and it's amazing!! Every movement has me in awe.
 Miss anything? Sleeping on my side. Bending down without feeling like I'm going to tip over. Wine.

Movement: All day!! She loves Spanish music and her daddy's voice.
Food cravings: Fruit and fries. This little girl has been every consistant with what she wants and likes.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I stay as far away from smoke as I can (obviously), but when I do encounter it my stomach is NOT happy about it.  

Gender:  Girl!! 

Symptoms: Allergies as usual. I'm peeing ALL the time..I think about water and I have to pee!!
Belly button in or out? In..for now! I can see it pushing it's way out though.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. I'm currently reading Bringing Up Bebe and it's putting my worries at ease. It's about an American mother who 'learns' the secret to France's well behaved children.
Looking forward to: 4D Ultrasound in October. Taking a birthing class this week. Taking the hubby out for his birthday next week.


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