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Tummy Tuesday - 25 Weeks

Hubby feeling Shea kick. 
How far along?  25 weeks! I will be 26 weeks tomorrow. Our registry just alerted us that we have 100 days till our due!! Baby Shea is the size of a zucchini. 

Total weight gain/measurements: I'm thinking of removing this question since I don't really answer  I feel like I'm the same size as last week, but Shea does feel heavier. 

Maternity clothes: Temperatures have gone back to warm here so I can still get away with skirts and dresses that are non-maternity. I'm wearing maternity jeans on a regularly basis.

Stretch marks: None so far. My mom recently told me that she didn't get stretch marks with my sister (first baby)..woo hoo!!
Sleep: I slept GREAT this weekend. Saturday night/afternoon I managed to get at least 12 hours of sleep. I wish I could keep that

Best moment this week: Finding a new dr that doesn't work out of a hospital that has a 50% c-section rate. Shea moving like crazy in my tummy after every meal. Scheduling a 4D ultrasound.
 Miss anything? Sleeping on my side. Everytime I try I wake up with tons of aches and pains.

Movement: She moves all the time. She loves Spanish music and her daddy's voice.
Food cravings: I'm back to fruits!! Sunday I went to the farmers market and bought fruit and on my way out the apples smelled delicious. I had to turn right back around and buy a bag. I have been eating 2-3 apples a day.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? Tuna fish. It's never been a smell I've liked, but this week it really seems to bother me when my coworkers eat it.    

Gender:  Girl!! 

Symptoms: Allergies as usual. I'm peeing ALL the time..I think about water and I have to pee!!
Belly button in or out? In..for now!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. I've been able to sleep and read some baby books and they have helped to put me in such a good mood! 
Looking forward to: 4D Ultrasound in October. Taking a birthing class next week. Pumpkin lattes.  :)


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