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Tummy Tuesday - 24 Weeks

How far along?  24 weeks! I will be 25 weeks tomorrow. The baby is the size of an ear of corn! 

Total weight gain/measurements: I have no clue, but I am outgrowing a lot of my regular clothes now. I am wearing a dress that is scandelously short today because of my bump.  ;)

Maternity clothes: I'm wearing maternity jeans on a regularly basis, but I'm trying my best to make due with what I have for now. Some tricks I am using are: wearing Aerie Long & Lean tanks under shirts that are a bit short and wearing button down shirts open with a tank underneath and a belt over the button down.

Stretch marks: None so far. I am seeing large blue/green veins on my belly now though.
Sleep: Uhm what is that..?!?  I have major insomnia this week and it sucks!!!!

Best moment this week: Shea moving every time she hears Spanish music, she's going to be just like her mama!!  
 Miss anything? SLEEP!!

Movement: Lots! She moves around all day now, but I still feel like she is the most active around 7pm-10pm.
Food cravings: None really. I actually haven't been any type of hungry at all this's weird.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? I smelled someone's corn beef the other day and I thought I was gonna hurl. Nothing else has really bothered me this week.   

Gender:  All girl!!! She owns more shoes than her dad and I now.

Symptoms: I'm still dealing with my allergies - sneezing and a stuffy nose are a regular thing now. I am emotional, which is so UNLIKE me. Things that normally don't bother me are really getting to me now, but I know not sleeping could have a major part of it. 
Belly button in or out? In..for now!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody!!! Two weeks in a row!! I have to change things around soon. Shea deserves a happy mommy.
Looking forward to: Taking a breastfeeding classes this week.This was what I had last week, but it was rescheduled and I'm taking it today.


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