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Saie Dew Blush in Sweetie #saiebeauty #saieblush #liquidblush #liquidmakeup #pinkblush

Gratitude Monday

- A walk on the boardwalk with my hubby.
-Sitting by the pool and talking with my family.
-A text from my in laws to see if I want pickles (not a pregnancy thing, I just like pickles).
-Honest people to swap beauty goodies with.
-A good night's sleep.

What are you thankful for?


  1. A good night sleep I woke this morning fresh
    I have problems with sleeping or I don't sleep at all, or I woke up in the middle of the night.
    I'm still trying to find tart cherry juice but nothing.

    my family and loved ones.

    I want honest people to swap.


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~Mother Teresa~

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