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Fabulously Not Rich Reviews - The All Natural Face Strawberries and Cream Face Food Fruit Facial Wash

Mel from Fabulously Thrifty & I are back with another collaboration review! 

Today's review will be on The All Natural Face Strawberries and Cream Face Food Fruit Facial Wash. 

Product Information
Made from pure dried strawberries and coconut milk, NOTHING else. This pure and simple wash comes with a little cup and scoop. Take a small scoop of fruit and mix it in the cup, or the palm of your hand with 2 scoops of water. You can either wash your face with it and rinse, or mix the fruit and apply to your face. You may want to get ready for your shower with it on your face, and then rinse it off once you are in the shower. That way it stay on your skin for a bit until it is washed off. You can follow this routine with an herbal toner.  - ANF website.
My Skin Type
-Acne Prone.
How I Use This
I use this about 2-3 times a week as a mask. I apply it to my face after I remove my makeup and leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with water.
Amount I Use
Left - The amount of powdered facial fruit wash I use for my whole face.
Right - The facial fruit wash with a few drops of water added.
-Affordable - $7.50. You will realize quickly that you only need a SMALL amount for this to work well. 
-Strawberry is a natural alpha-hydroxy acid, so it helps us slough off dead skin cells GENTLY with zero irritation.
-Helps lighten acne scars and dark spots.
-Leaves your skin feeling hydrated and never tight.

-You can only buy online, unless you live in MA where The All Natural Face store is located.
-This can get messy if you add to much water to the powder.

I LOVE this mask. I find it simple to use and I love the results. My face always feels soft & moisturized after I use it. Best of all this helps the "angry pimples"go away faster.

I will leave with a VERY attractive picture of me wearing the mask..haha!

Please be sure to read Mel's review too!!


  1. Based on your picture I'm going to start using a little more each time I use this! Thanks we have to pick our next product! haha


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