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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Doticure - Manicure Saver

I LOVE all the mani pictures on Instagram and I came across a really cute mani that I decided to try for Easter.
Julie G Gelato in Venice (mint) & OPI Love Song (purple)
The white dots were made using a $1 nail polish from the Sally brand.

I came across this AWESOME item in my recent Oprah magazine and I had to share it with you! 
Cutex’s Cotton Ball Holder makes it convenient to remove your nail polish without harming your manicure. This set includes three holders. Simply put a cotton ball in the cup, apply your favorite Cutex nail polish remover to the cotton ball and remove old polish with ease.  - Cutex site.
For $2.50 I'm sure I will end up buying this!


  1. I can't even keep my hand still enough to paint my nails regularly let alone put dots on them! this!

  2. So cool!!! I want them!! thanks for sharing chica!!


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