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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

My Birthday FOTD

Here is the makeup I wore on the night of my birthday. I feel like I look really dark in the picture below; I think it's because of the Josie Maran Foundation powder and that it photographs darker than what it really is.

What I Wore:
LA Girls Pro Concealer in Medium Beige
Josie Maran Foundation Powder in Medium/Dark
Tarte Blush in Magic
Benefit High Beam Highlight
Lorac Unzipped Palette - Unreal, Unbelievable, Undiscovered, & Unattainable
LA Girls Mark My Eyes Liner in Black
Physicians Formula Organic Wear Mascara in Black
Maybelline Fushia Flash Lipstick & Revlon Lollipop Lip Butter

I don't feel the need to lie about my age (I'm 30 by the way), but this Lucille Ball quote fit into this blog entry perfectly!

Have a great day!


  1. Happy belated Birthday! You look beautiful. :)

  2. Girl you rocking the tan in that picture haha.

    And I always eat slowly but it doesn't help me feel younger hahaha


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