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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!!! I hope you had an amazing weekend!
I know Mondays can be hard, especially after losing an hour of sleep with daylight savings, but you can still make this a great day/week. I find Mondays a little easier to handle when I think of all of the great things that happened last week. 

1. Pumpkin pancakes. We love trying new places to eat every weekend and this cafe that we went to had AMAZING pancakes. 
2. Hubby & I tried our first cortaditos (Cuban espresso). They were really good, and they didn't keep my up all night like I thought it
3. Prizes. We went to a tricky tray for my nephew's school and we won a few things - a pancake maker and a $50 gift certificate to a hair salon.
4. The Client List - I finally watched all of Season one this weekend and I am definitely hooked!! I'm never quite sure the next turn the show is going to take and that has me even more intrigued.

A little motivation for your Monday..

What are you grateful for?


  1. Pancake maker! I have a cupcake maker from the same brand, although I think of it more as a gimmick than anything else but oh well, I will have to try to use it more! I have not even started watching The Client List though ahah

  2. pumpkin pancakes yummy, I like to make them, but the only downside is I cant find canned pumpkin It would make it for sure easier.

    1. I love them! I buy several cans of canned pumpkin in the fall so I can have them all year long.

  3. I love the font of your blog and layout. Noticed the owl, so cute..:) Anyway, I'm grateful for everything. I feel blessed :D OOhhh want to try pumpkin pancake :D


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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