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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Lust List

The last lust list I wrote was for Christmas! It's been way too long.

1. Urban Decay Naked Nail Polishes
2. Lorac I'm So Sensitive Primer
3. Tarte BB Cream in Medium

Lately I've been VERY into natural products and I've spent way too many hours in the natural beauty section of Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and Fairway. The goodies above aren't 'all natural', but I can't help but lust after them!

What have you been lusting after lately?


  1. the tarte bb cream is on my lust list as well, along with their amazonian clay blushes


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~Mother Teresa~

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