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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!! I hope everyone had a great weekend!
The hubby and I spent the weekend being snowed in and that was ok with us.  :)

However the gloomy weather has also continued into today and I need something to make this day brighter! Here are a few little things I am grateful for..

1. Package delivery during a snow storm. Rain or shine the post office brought me some of the all natural goodies I've recently ordered, it made me feel less
  From The All Natural Face

From Soapwalla & Natural Logic

2. This sign.  :)

3.Amazing drugstore deals! These are 50% off this week at CVS. Visit Nouveau Cheap for a list of the sales this week. Weekly drugstore makeup sales.
I will be giving away this heart bronzer on my Facebook!!

What are grateful for..??


  1. I am eagerly awaiting my package from The All Natural Face!! Did you also do the half off coupon?

    1. Yes, but that is ANOTHER order I am waiting

    2. I bought three! I went a bit overboard I guess. I couldn't help myself! So much bang for the buck.

    3. LOL good to know!! Now I don't feel bad for buying a second


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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