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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!! 
I hope you all had an amazing weekend. This cold weather currently has me inside hibernating. I'm pretty sure my next outing will take place in April. I kid!!

To warm my spirits I am going to remind myself of some of the things I am grateful for this week..

1. I complain about the weather a lot, but I would be really upset if I wasn't able to take a 15 minute drive to see my family or watch my nephew's basketball games. Note: I'm aware of my funny facial expression in the picture above so just focus on my adorable niece!
2. These Muji 5 drawer cases make my mornings so much easier!! I notice that I get ready faster and I'm using a variety of my makeup items every morning. A full makeup collection video/post will be up next week.
3. Simple moments like my hubby showing my nephew how to pass a basketball.

I  hope you all have a lot of things to be grateful for!!
Have a great Monday!


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