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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Lorac Pro Palette FOTD

So I keep talking about the Lorac Pro palette, but I haven't shown you what I do with it. Time to change that!!

Here is the look I wore on Thanksgiving. I didn't add much to my face since I was pretty sure it would melt right off with the warm kitchens I was going into. I've been wearing this eye look VERY often. 
PUR Minerals Powder Foundation in Tan 
CG Concealer in Medium
Benefit Coralista Blush

Lorac Pro Palette - Champagne as highlight, Gold on lid, Garnet/Pewter on crease
NYC Liner in Black
Prestige Blackest Black Mascara

L'oreal Infallible lipstick in Forever Frappe

We decided to take a 'family' picture at the end of the night too. Doesn't Dom look so happy?!?! lol He always looks so evil in pictures.

Have you done all of your Christmas shopping yet..?? We've barely started ours!


  1. You look gorgeous! I've heard great things about that palette!

  2. very pretty! I want that palette so bad!!

  3. Arrrgggh...I'm supposed to be on a makeup buying freeze but you're really making me want this palette! You look beautiful!

  4. love the eye shadow on you,
    He looks extremely happy :D (his face says kill me now) lol, He looks evil indeed hehehe kind of stewie of Family guy. I'm sure he is just annoyed by picture ( and pretend to be evil hehe )

    1. LOL I love it!! He's always annoyed, I think it's just his personality..

    2. hehehe amazing :D an annoyed cat is kind of funny


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