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Chocolate Lipgloss #drugstoremakeup #lipgloss

Lady in Red - FOTD

Here's the makeup look I wore to the hubby's company Christmas party at the Brownstone this weekend. This is actually the first year either of us had a 'real' Christmas party to attend so we made sure to be really festive and wear tons of red. I wore red lips, a red dress, red nails, AND a red coat. Sadly I never got a chance to take a picture of the dress I was wearing.  =(
Makeup Used
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation in Sun Beige
MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NW35
PUR Minerals Foundation Powder in Tan
Tarte Blush in Adventurous
Lorac Pro Palette - Gold on lid/under lower lashes, Nude as highlight, Espresso in Crease.  
Sorme Brown Lift in Waterline
NYC Liner in Black
Prestige MY Biggest Lashes Mascara in Brown/Black
CoverGirl Lip Perfection lip liner in Passion.
Milani Lip Flash in Photo Flash

And my favorite photo of the night..hubby & I. I bought a red dress to match his red tie. =)

Have you been to any holiday parties? 
If so, did you wear red lipstick..?


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