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October BoxyCharm | #boxycharm #giftedbyipsy #subscriptionbox

Gratitude Monday

Merry Christmas Eve!! I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season.

Have you taken the time today to reflect on what you're grateful for..?

I am grateful for..

-Date nights in NYC to see the X-mas tree. We're wearing matching hats.. 
-Spending a Saturday with two of my favorite guys..
-#27 Acts, #26 Acts, #Random Acts of Kindness - Ever since I've posted that I am participating in this a few days ago, several of my friends and family have told me that I've inspired them to do the same.
-The Salvation Army worker who gave a delightful reaction as to how the hot chocolate hubby brought him - 'hit the spot'. He was act #8.
-Dom attacking the Minnie Mouse we bought our niece for x-mas. He's just so cute playing with it that I almost forgot how many gifts I have left to wrap.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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