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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!! Is everyone preparing for Thanksgiving..? My tummy is ready!! haha!!

I know that in the hustle and bustle of every day life it really is difficult to remember to be thankful for all that we have, especially during the holiday season when there is ALWAYS something to do. I have personally found that stopping for a few minutes each day to list the things I am thankful for really does make difference and it helps me notice the little things more often. 

Here are a few things I am grateful for..

1. A warm coat. So simple, but I know there are many people out there who aren't fortunate enough to have one warm coat, let alone the several I have. 
2. A WHOLE weekend with my hubby. My hubby works 2 jobs and it's rare for us to get more than a couple hours together, but this weekend we had 2 whole days.
3. Random emails from my best friends. One emailed me with amazing news the other day while the other emails me the random moments of his day...knowing that they both want to share things with me..big or small just makes my day.

4. Random holiday things like this Hello Kitty Cookie House & Starbucks Caramel Brulee Latte.
5. Seeing Twilight! I'm sad the series ended, but damn it was a GOOD ending.
6. Trader Joe's and all of their goodness!!! Maple Leaf Cookies, Pumpkin Pancake Mix, Cookie Butter, and Coconut Body Butter all in one store...?? Love!!

What are you grateful for?


  1. I can't tell you how much I miss having TJs around. I can't believe they have body butter now. I'm thinking of making the 4 hour trek to Santa Fe over the Christmas holiday to stock up on all of their holiday yummies!

    1. I've only recently 'discovered' TJs and I love it! I've always gone there for the salads, but now I'm trying everything and it's incredible. I always assumed that they were pricey, but they're really not. I went back yesterday and pretty much bought their WHOLE beauty section (2 shampoos, 2 conditioners, 2 face washes, 1 face lotion, & 1 body scrub) for $40!! It was kind of excessive, but my TJs is right next to two major malls in the area and I won't be making any trips back till after


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~Mother Teresa~

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