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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday everyone!! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!!
Due to the SEVERE gas shortage here we pretty much stayed in and watched TV..our DVR is at 8% full... I haven't seen it that low in a long time! lol  

Ever since Hurricane Sandy hit I really have learned to appreciate the little things in life and today's gratitude list will reflect that.

1. Heat!! It's in the lower 40s this week and I am thankful for the heat that keeps me warm in my car, home, and work. There are still MANY people in this area who do not have power yet & I'm sure this cold temperature is making conditions much worse.
2. A fully charged phone. As unimportant as this may seem it really is stressful when you are unable to contact family/friends during this stressful time because your phone is dead. The local malls and libraries have all set up charging stations for cell phones and laptops.

3. The Hurricane Sandy Benefit - I'm always happy when I see celebrities using their status for good. This was my favorite song of the night. I'm a Jersey girl to the fullest and Jon Bon Jovi is still awesome..and sexy..

4. My friends. This week alone I've spoken to my friends a lot more than I usually do..we're all checking to make sure we all have power & food.
5. All of you!! The amount of emails, facebook messages, and tweets that I've received are amazing. Thank you all for checking on me. It is truly appreciated.

What are you grateful for?


  1. I'm happy you are Ok, not sure what you mean with Jersey girl. But I guess u mean rock? John Bon Jovi is an amazing star, I'm talking as rock chick.
    I can't tweet you cause I'm not on your list. But indeed happy you have power now

    1. I just meant I like Bon its played all the time here. What's your twitter name? I will add you. :)

    2. @Godchild81MA , Yes he is an amazing songwriter and singer


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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