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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Beauty Box 5 - October Box

My October Beauty Box 5 just came in & I'm loving all the goodies inside.
What is Beauty Box Five?
BB5 is a monthly subscription service that delivers a sample box of all things beauty. For a small monthly fee you'll receive 4 -- 5 samples of a variety of makeup, skin care, fragrances and everything in between! Best of all, these samples are delivered right to your door with beauty tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your samples.
Beauty Box 5 has three types of subscription plans.
Monthly - $12/month, Quarterly - $30, Yearly - $100 
Here's what was in my box this month..
 -Margania Pure Argan Oil - I'm excited to try this! I love Argan oil.
-Lash Cards - I get a little mascara happy and this seems like a good way to prevent my lids from having mascara too.
-City Cosmetics Lip Plumper - I was not crazy about this. I'm really not a fan of lip plumpers, they always irritate my skin.
-Goat Haus Dairy Chapstick - This is a really hydrating chapstick, but be sure to keep it away from heat because it gets soft very easily.
-Furlesse Elevens - These clear patches are supposed to relax frown lines.
-Show Stoppers Fashion Tape - This type of tape has saved me several times. I'm glad to try a new brand because the brand I used last weekend didn't hold up as well as I wanted it too.
-Nume Gift Card

I'm still very happy with this subscription and I'm going to keep it for a few more months.
You can sign up for Beauty Box Five here!


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