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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!!
I found it really hard to drag myself out of bed this am. How about you??
It should still feel like Summer here, but instead it feels more like Fall. Which means Winter is right around the corner..*shivers*

Enough complaining about the weather! Here are a few things that happened last week that I am grateful for and made getting out of bed a little easier this am.

1. You!! Lately I've been receiving some really great comments from you (blog readers) and they've really made my day. Thank you.

2. Long drives. I swear the hubby and I have the best conversations on long drives. Plus I'm always amazed at how many farms there are in NJ. 

3. Halloween Stores. I absolutely love them!! In October the hubby and I make a day of going to all the local Halloween stores and playing with all of the masks and wigs. This year we spotted a Halloween Store early.
4. Phone booths turned into communal libraries. I read about this in a magazine last night and I love it. Take a book, leave a book. What a great way to 'recycle' a phone booth.

 What are you grateful for?


  1. Love Halloween stores! Like the library phone booths. I am grateful for my family, friends and my pug. Love your videos Tammy- keep them coming. Have a great day :)

  2. Oh my I love that phone booth idea! I'm in need of a good read-so one of those would be handy! While I am dreading going back to work on Wed.-I am very grateful to have a job in this crappy economy!

  3. How did a London phone box pitch up there????!!ooooooooh it's in Somerset! Makes sense now ahahahaha


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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