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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!!! I am so happy to be starting a new week. Last week wasn't exactly the best, but I plan on turning things around this week. Something that makes Mondays easier for me is looking back at the previous week and thinking about all of the things that made me happy. 

Here are a few things I am grateful for..

 1. My health!! I was really sick most of last week and it feels good to be back to normal.
2. Lazy Sundays. I slept in and had a late lunch at this new Southern place in our area and it was good!! French toast and bacon tend to be my favorite breakfast foods.

3. Exploring old areas and seeing new things. This florist shop is a mini oasis on such a busy street.

4. Books!!! I couldn't resist looking through this pile of used books.
5. Expecting Adam by Martha Beck
I only read one book this week because I was so sick, but it was a good one!! 

6. The jazz music this man was playing was amazing. The talent you can find on the streets is always unbelievable.

What are you grateful for? 


  1. It is great to be not sick anymore. This year I got sick three times which is way more times then usual. It totally sucked.


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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