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ELF Lust List

Have you been following ELF on Facebook? Twitter? or Pinterest?
I have!! They have been posting some amazing new products that I can't wait to get my hands on!

Here are the new ELF items I am lusting after.

All photos are from the ELF Facebook.

Top Row - HD Blush
Bottom Left - Pressed Mineral Eyeshadow
Bottom Right - Baked Eyeshadow Palette

Do you plan on buying any of these..??
The HD Blush & Baked eyeshadow are a must for me!


  1. Eventually if they come the island I guess I will go for the blush I saw a red shade that looks gorgeous , of course is a color u need to be careful to not apply to much of it the last at the right side, does it have a name of number?

  2. Oh the HD Blushes are gorgeous and pigmented!


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