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Maybelline The Mega Plush "Mousse" Mascara

The Mega Plush Volum' Express Mascara

I have to begin this review by saying that I am not one of the many people that loves Maybelline mascaras. Most of the time they're a major hit or a miss with me, no middle!! 
The Claims from
• Our first gel-mousse mascara with 40% less hard waxes for massive volume with a supple touch
• Extra-soft, patented Flexor Brush caresses lashes
• Lashes never brittle or flaky
Here's a close look at the brush. I like that this is a full brush, these brushes tend to give me the best volume.  I didn't notice anything special about their 'flexor brush', it seemed like a regular mascara brush to me

-Give nice volume to your lashes.
-No smudging or flaking.
-Your lashes never feel hard when you use this.
-One coat is great for daytime and two coats is great for nighttime.

-It took me several days to really like this mascara. I found that the formula was just too wet at first and it just made my lashes droop.
-As with all Maybelline mascaras, I had a really hard time removing this!!

I really like this mascara, but it does take some patience. I personally like this mascara better after the formula has dried up a bit.

 Left Eye - One Coat
Right Eye - Bare

Two Coats

Have you tried this mascara?


  1. I'm wearing it today! I think it's decent, but not mind blowing. Thought I had some smudging issues with it so now I wear it with Anastasia Lash Genius.

  2. I haven't read a lot of reviews on this mascara but it looks decent, altough not fabulous, like I would have expected from the look of the big brush!

    BTW, did you know you had captchas on?

    1. Yes, i do. If i don't have them on I get a lot of spam.


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