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Gratitude Monday

In an effort to make Mondays better, I've decided to make them Gratitude Mondays and give you a short list of the things I am grateful for that have occurred in the past 7 days. Looking back at what makes you happy is always a great way to set the tone for the week. 
Here are a few things I'm grateful for..
1. Xbox Kinect & Zumba. I've had this for ages, but I've finally started to really use it and I love it!! I actually enjoy working out and this never happens!!
2. The kind neighbor who helped my husband and I find the new Super in my complex. We recently had trouble with our front door knob and the Super replaced it on Saturday afternoon and we came home Saturday evening we were locked out!! Since the Super is new we didn't have his number, we could have been locked out for who knows how long if it wasn't for that neighbor. 
3. My niece laughing up a storm as I danced bachata with her. 
What are you grateful for?


  1. grateful, for my family and loved ones my Dog, food, electricity and being safe.

    Btw love your eyeglases at the moment am trying to find frames but cant figure out which kind of face shape I have

  2. Thanks!! I bought them from Coastal Contacts. If you search for glasses here on my blog you can find the entry I wrote on them. I only paid $25 for them.


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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