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Currently Testing

One of my favorite parts about being a beauty blogger is testing new products. I seriously can't help it!! I see a new product at the drugstore and there's a VERY good chance I want to try it. It doesn't mean I don't like the old products I'm using, but I always want to see if there is something better out there. 
Here are a few products I'm currently testing:

Tom's Lavender Soap - So many people have told me that lavender is great for keeping bugs away & I need all the help I can get! I'm like candy to these bugs, and sadly my body does not react well to these bites! They always end up looking like HUGE bruises. =(

Marc Anthony Bye Bye Frizz Shampoo & Conditioner - My main hair concern is frizz and I've heard good things about this brand. 

Marc Anthony Dream Waves Lotion - The longer my hair gets the harder it is to achieve the wavy look I like. I'm hoping this lotion will help.

Prestige Blackest Black Mascara - The hype around this mascara is true!! I've only used this for 2 days and I can see why so many people like it. This formula is dryer so it gives my lashes great volume without weighing them down. 

What products are you currently testing..?


  1. I finally tracked down the Revlon whipped foundation, so I'm giving it a try as of late. OFF has a product that worked well for me the last time I was at the beach - the little device with a fan that you clip to works well if you're not moving around too much, like sitting outside to read or eat. I read that the scent of rosemary, eucalyptus, and neem oil also help keep mosquitoes away. I get huge welts from bug bites, so I'm always trying to find a way to keep them away!

    1. I have one of those OFF Fans at the house and I use it when we're on the deck. I feel weird just walking around with them though. I feel like the minute I step outside the house I'm swarmed by them!! Lately my bites have been turning into huge welts and that's why I'm trying to find something that keeps them away. I went out on Saturday and the bugs stayed away from me, I hope it's because of the lavender soap I used.

  2. hey there,
    i just discovered ur blog & love it!!
    I also started a blog & would appreciate if you could stop by & give me some feedback ..
    keep posting

    1. Hi Naomii! I will be sure to check out your blog. Thanks for visiting my blog. =)

  3. Marc Anthony Dream Waves Lotion did not really work for me (it just did nothing) but the beach spray is seriously awesome!


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