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Saie Dew Blush in Sweetie #saiebeauty #saieblush #liquidblush #liquidmakeup #pinkblush

$20 Makeup Challenge - Meet My Sister!!

I decided to participate in the YouTube $20 Makeup Challenge that's been going around and I had my sister be my model. =)
The whole point of the tag is to put a complete look together just using $20 worth of makeup and that includes makeup brushes!

Here's the makeup I used:

-ELF Complete Coverage Concealer in Medium - $3.00
-ELF Eyeshadow in Pink Ice - $1.00
-ELF Eye Defining Brush - $1.00
-ELF Blush & Bronzer - I used the bronzer as a contour color on the eye. $3.00
-ELF Dramatic Eyelashes. $1.00
-NYC Liquid Liner in Pearlized Black. $2.99
-ELF All Over Brush used to apply ELF Blush & Bronzer. $1.00
-NYC Lip Gloss in Cherry Ever After. $1.99
Total - $14.98!!!!

Have a great weekend!!


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~Mother Teresa~

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