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FabFitFun Spring Box 🌼 #fabfitfun #unboxing #subscriptionbox

Essie Bikini So Teeny NOTD

I haven't worn a 'natural' color on my nails in months!! I'm currently LOVING bright colors. 

Here's the color I'm currently wearing on my nails.
Essie Bikini So Teeny

Disclosure - I received this as a perk from Klout. Please don't ask me to explain the site to you!! I've read their information several times and I'm still not sure I 'get it'. I figured out how to claim this perk though. They didn't ask me to share this with, but I thought this color was too pretty to keep to myself.

What color are you wearing on your nails?


  1. LOL, I love how you said, "Please don't ask me to explain the site to you!" I agree. It's hard to explain and understand! I also received this Perk but I got Mojito Madness, the green one. I thought I was getting this one. All posts I've seen have been on this one! Love the name, love the color. Very cute post! Mine should be up later today :)


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