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My Closet is Confused..

I think I have a very distinct style...most of the time.
For work/play my style is very bohemian meets grandma...I wear loose flowery tops, cardigans, flats, and boots..a lot!! At least 80% of the time this is my uniform... Oh and let's not forget the skinny pants!! They flatter loose tops the best in my opinion..

So why is my closet confused?? Because at least half of my closet is filled with SUPER feminine clothing that I hardly ever wear...body skimming dresses and skirts that RARELY see the light of day. In my head I'm Sofia Vergara, but in real life I'm more Mary Margaret from Once Upon A

For those of you who don't know who I'm referring to....
 Mary Margaret (left) & Sofia Vergara (right)

I'll give you another are some items I would pick up while shopping.
All of these items are from H&M
 Shirt - Mary Margaret
Dress - Sofia Vergara

Bracelet - Sofia Vergara   OK I may actually wear this bracelet with my regular clothes, but I think you get the idea.
Purse - Mary Margaret

What are your 'closet' personalities?


  1. i know what you mean, i have a ton of betsey johnson in my closet, dresses, skirts, jackets, shoes, jewelry you name it i got it. though i don't get to be feminine all the time, when i do i go all out! but the rest of the time i'm jeans, converse and hoodie kind of person, i'd be a female version of kurt cobain except i shower.

  2. LOL except I shower!!
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  3. I always try to figure out my clothing personality and I have no idea what it is! I'd say 33% typical dark New Yorker, 33% J.Crew wannabe and 33% glitz and glam.  No sense at all! lol

  4. I love this...  I have the same kind of closet.  Except I wear what's in my drawers...sweatpants and over-sized shirts.  Stacy & Clinton would not


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