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Ireland - Part 2

Ready to continue our Ireland vacation?? Let's go!

Saint Stephen's Green
Beautiful park!! I could take pictures in here all day.

Beer delivery at 11am. Guinness waits for no one!

Dublin Castle
My head is full of stories about things that happened here.

The Royal Hospital
The Irish Museum of Modern Art was also here, but with this view we couldn't get ourselves to go inside.

Kilmainham Gaol
This former prison was one of our last stops. I was completely freaked out by being here, but the stores had me very intrigued. A definite must see if you go to Dublin. You can read more about it here.

I will leave this mini Ireland trip with my favorite picture of the hubby & I at the Royal Hospital.

I hope you all enjoyed the picture tour. I will be back with regular beauty postings this week.


  1. Wow these are lovely, I live in Dublin and I havent been to these places. You have encouraged me to get out more!

  2. I am just so incredibly jealous! The pictures are beautiful and it looks like you two had a great time! 

  3. Wow I'm jealous!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  4. We had an amazing time.
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  5. don't you just love ireland? 
    Kilmainham Gaol was amazing for me. I never felt more humbled, and learned a lot about the Irish. I'm really amazed how they have a great sense of humor, even though it rains like all the time there!

  6. Such great pics! I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves!

  7. Thanks!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  8.  I couldn't agree more! I can't wait to plan another trip to Ireland, this time we will go for the countryside.

  9. Wow, beautiful pics! I love the architecture and scenery. Great pic of you two at the end!


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