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My Favorite Men

If you're a long time reader of this blog then you know who my two favorite men are: my grandfather & my husband. Today is very important day related to both of them. Last year's blog entry about Oct 6th.

Exactly 10 years ago today my grandfather passed away, leaving me a confused & devastated 18 year old. My grandfather raised and treated me just like I was one of his own children and I am very thankful for everything that he taught me. I would not be the person I am without his love and knowledge.
 At my high school graduation..ignore the hair, dress, &
Doesn't my grandpa look handsome?

In an effort to make a sad day, a happy day - my hubby and I got married on Oct 6th, 2007 . Meaning that this is our 4 year anniversary!! I am a very lucky woman to have him in my life; he is patient, caring, and loves me for all of my silliness.
 On our wedding day. My favorite picture from that day.

I just want to say thank you to my very special men. I love you with all my heart! 


  1. I can't help but think of my grandma when I see this. I was so close to her and she basically raised me my entire life so I felt completely devastated when she passed. But for every end there's a new beginning! Happy anniversary to you and your hubs!

  2. Omg that's heart breaking but be proud and keep life going hope u get far enough where ya old and then remember the young times that's good memories times fly fast u can see it already look 4 yrs flew quick but wish ya many more love u miss u hon keep in touch

  3. Approve.
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  4. I love you too!!

  5. Happy Anniversary!  It is also my 4th wedding anniversay this year!  Cheers:)

  6. Happy Anniversary to you too then! =)

  7. belated happy anniversary - that's really sweet that you and your hubby decided to get married on that date. it sounds like your grandfather was a good man & raised you well :)

  8. Thank you! <3
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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