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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Amethyst Ablazed FOTD

I LOVE wearing purple!! It's my go to look & I tend to feel the most comfortable in some shade of purple. 
This was a requested look, this is the makeup I was wearing in my August favorites video (minus the lashes & liner).
Products Used: 
ELF Cream Eyeshadow in Dawn
Maybelline EyeStudio Eyeshadows in Amethyst Ablazed
MAC Ricepaper - highlight
L'oreal Linear Intense Liquid Liner
Miss Adoro Lashes in #307 (applied with Revlon lash glue..thanks to Tina Marie for blogging about it!!)
Physicians Formula Organic Wear Mascara in Very Black
Physicians Formula Cashmere Wear Bronzer
MAC - A Rose Romance Lipstick

I'm ALWAYS posting purple FOTDs here!! Any request for something different?? 
Any requests for what you would like to see me blog about?

NOTE: Please like my facebook page for beauty coupons & freebies that I don't post here!! 


  1. You look AMAZING in those colours!

  2. Thank you!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  3. You look very pretty with purples! Would love to see some greens and dark and sexy smokey eyes on you. :)

  4. Thanks!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  5. YOU ARE STUNNING!!! In purple you really light up!

  6. Thanks!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  7. love the purple shades you used :) purple's my go to shade whenever i want to amp up my look as well, haha. 

  8. u have a beautiful eyes!

  9. thanks!!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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