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How I Organize My Makeup Brushes - VERY Affordable!!

I don't know about you, but I'm one of those people who likes to keep things organized and I'm always trying to find new/better ways to do that. This is the new way I organize my makeup brushes, the Sephora vase way just wasn't working for me anymore since I couldn't fit that many brushes in a vase. I bought this desk caddy at Walmart for $7 and it does a great job of holding all of my makeup brushes + some of my every day makeup.

Note: That baby in the red is a baby picture of my hubby.  <3

In the video below you can get a closer look of what I have in each section. The top section contains my makeup brushes, the middle section contains my eyeliners & lipbalm, and the bottom section contains my every day 'face' makeup (foundation, concealer, & powder).

How do you organize you makeup brushes?

Note: To my fellow East Coast ladies, please be safe tonight/tomorrow!!! Irene is a mean ole lady!


  1. this is super cute, i love black accessories

    shel xx

  2. Excellent!Your system is so perfect! And so cheap!!!!Love it!!

  3. Excellent! It's such an awesome way to store/organize your brushes!!!  And cheap!!! Plus it looks nice, and tidy!


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