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NOT A Product Review: Skindinavia No More Shine Makeup Finish

Product Description

Stop excess shine. No More Shine Makeup Finish is an innovative over-makeup mattifier. Put away the blotting paper and stop makeup from meltdown and sliding. Weightless mist can be applied anytime in seconds. Delivers a matte look up to 16 hours. Great for t-zone. 

My Skin Type - Oily, Sensitive, & Acne Prone. 
On an average day I blot twice a day, 4 hours after I apply my makeup and then 4 hours after that.
I'm going to begin by saying that my product smells like Downy Wrinkle Releaser, which scared the crap out of me because who wants to put THAT on their face? After I checked the bottle (several times) to make sure I was using the right product and not a product meant for clothes - I waited for the 'magic' to happen..and waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing happened! I tried applying this product before makeup, after makeup, and on several occasion before and after - still nothing! I really didn't see any change in my skin at all when I used this product - nada!! I wish I could give you a more detailed and lengthy review, but I really didn't see any changes - good or bad!  

Have you tried this product? Did you see any results?

Notes: The Urban Decay No More Shine is the same product as this one, both sprays are made by Skindinavia. 


  1. I thought this was going to be the answer... Maybe it just won't work for extremely oily people like me.

  2. Sorry! I had zero luck with this..


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