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CoverGirl Yummy Plumper Gloss Swatches #lipplumper #lipgloss #swatches #giftedbycovergirl

Spotted - New L'oreal Products

Double Extend Eye Illuminator

A closer look. I admit I don't see anything special about these..

Visible Lift Foundation - with a brush applicator.
I see the brush getting messy and in the way.


I have a ton of lip products, but for some reason I really want to try these!

The One Sweep Eyeshadows (new colors) & One Sweep Blush/Bronzer
The blush/bronzer looks interesting.

Have you spotted any new products at your drugstore lately? Do tell..


  1. the bronzer blush combo looks very cool!

  2. I'm only interested in the one sweep eyeshadow, cause i'm so lost when it comes to that. I haven't seen those yet, then again, I'm not searching in the makeup aisles these days. I'm couponing and going after what's on sale! lol!

  3. I actually find that the l'oreal one sweep shadows work great.
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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