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CoverGirl Yummy Plumper Gloss Swatches #lipplumper #lipgloss #swatches #giftedbycovergirl

May Favorites 2011

Please watch the video below to see what my May Favorites are and why.  =)

EOS lip balm in Lemon Drop

NYX HD Concealer in Tan

Becca Mineral Foundation - Review Here!

Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips in Waikiki Strip

Acne Free All-Day Acne Control

AmLactin Lotion

Crack Hair Cream

 iviScents Soap in Sandstone

What were your May Favorites?


  1. I'm going to check out the NYX concealer thanks to your review.  I've only been following for a couple of weeks but I love the products you review and your honesty.  I may also check out the Physician's Formula shimmer strip just because of its name "Waikiki Strip".  I go there all the time (I live in Hawaii).

    I love your blog!


  2. Thank you!! That really means a lot to me.

  3. i need to look into that becca foundation, my mufe duo mat is almost done and i definitely don't want to use liquid foundations now that summer is here!

  4. Can you please provide the shade of the Becca foundation? I was looking on the sephora website for it. Thanks so much.


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