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Saie Dew Blush in Sweetie #saiebeauty #saieblush #liquidblush #liquidmakeup #pinkblush

Sometimes a Girl Needs to Haul..

Happy Monday!!! This weekend I had the 'itch' to buy a few beauty products and I thought you might like to see my haul. Please excuse the less than great pictures, these were taken with my phone because my camera is acting up..again!
Nivea lip balm - A Kiss of Milk and Honey (replacement), Milani Liquif'Eye Metallic Eye Liner pencil in brown, EOS lip balm with spf 15 in Lemon Drop(replacement), L'oreal Sublime Mousse hair dye in spicy auburn brown, Hard Candy Sheer Envy Skin Perfecting Primer

Yardley soap in oatmeal and almond, Maybelline Color Scentsational Lipsticks (pink and proper, peachy scene, & coral crush), Yardley soap in pomegrante rose, & Hard Candy Undercover Agent Undereye Brightner and Concealer Duo.

Reviews and swatches on several of these products are coming soon!

Did you haul anything this weekend??


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