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Chocolate Lipgloss #drugstoremakeup #lipgloss

I Must Have a Fever...

*touches forehead* I must be feeling feverish - 3 FOTDs in a row?!?! Wow!! This may be a first for me!!
Since you ladies were so sweet yesterday with your comments on my potential Valentine's Day FOTD, I decided to share with you what I actually decided to wear on V-day..outfit and all!!

The hubby and I aren't very traditional when it comes to V-day - we do dinner and cards and that's it!! No presents or anything overly commercial. To us V-day is just a good excuse to get dressed up and eat good food.  =)

What we ate:
Lamb (hubby) & Steak (me)
For those of you that are interested we went here - River Palm Terrace

 What I wore:
I bought this dress over a year ago and I never wore it! I believe I bought it at Joyce Leslie.

My makeup:
Aren't car makeup photos the best?? haha...

-Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream in 31
-CoverGirl Smoothers Concealer in Medium
-Mattify! Cosmetics Ultra Powder for Very Oily Skin
-Sleek Eyeshadows from Bad Girl Palette - Gullible (highlight), Blade (lid), Rebel & Twilight (crease)
-L'oreal Linear Intense Pencil Liquid Liner in Very Black (waterline)
-CoverGirl LashBlastFusion in Very Black
-MAC Warmth MSF
-Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick in Nearly There

How was your Valentine's Day??


  1. I agree car shots are the best shots..why is that?

    I have always been afraid of the BB cream thinking it would washme out, but we kind of have the same complexion and have to say it makes your skin look fabulous!

    I have to check it out.

  2. TAMMY!!!!!!!

    You look fabulous. The dress colour (is it magenta?) really suits you. You are one HOT date!

  3. mmm yummy vday! and you look radiant that dress is too cute!

  4. @Mona - Thank you! <3

    @Hell Notes - I have no idea why, but they always work out best for You should give a BB cream a try, they really are amazing.

    @Old Cow - Thank you honey!!!

    @Vanessa - Thank you hot stuff!! =)

  5. you look great in that dress! it reminds me of the bright yellow one you wore for your birthday :)

  6. u look gorgeous! OMG i LOOOOVE your brows :) mine look so retarded when they grow out do you get them done?

  7. Lordie woman, you look GORGEOUS! Your skin is like sooooo glowy. I secretly hate you now lol.


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