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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

I Know You See Me on the Video..

Last week I received this little guy below...

It's a JVC Picsio & it records in HD..woo hoo!! Finally I can have nice clear videos!! I have yet to find a program I can edit these videos with since I refuse to pay for QuickTime Pro, but for now I'm making it work. I really like this camera and considering it was under $100, I definitely think it was worth the price.

Here are a few videos I've recorded recently with the camera.

Let me know if you have any video requests!!

Happy Friday!


  1. the quality is AMAZING....
    silly, quick, question;
    does it focus really well?

    i might check this out, since
    my camera doesnt record the best.
    but serious, the quality is awesome! :D

  2. Wooo! Can't wait to see more vids!

  3. @MissAntonia90 I feel like this camera focuses pretty well, it's not super crisp but for the price I think it does a great job. I used it to record my natural look video & I think it did a good job of focusing in on the products I was showing.

  4. nice camera - the video quality is really sharp!


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