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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


Welcome to the Family!

The brush family that is...I added a few new members.  =)

A few days ago I learned that All Cosmetics Wholesale sells Sigma brushes & I decided to pick up a few brushes. I've wanted to try Sigma for a while, but I didn't want to buy a whole kit since I don't need ALL those brushes.

I know that Sigma recently changed their number system so it no longer matches the MAC brushes number system, but the brushes I received still have the old numbers so that's what I'm going to call them.  =)

Meet the new members of the family..

SS131, SS188, SS217(travel size)

SS217 - This is great!! It's just like my MAC 217, but smaller.

SS131 - I've been using this to apply foundation and so far I like it, I'm not CRAZY about it, but it's good. I think I need to find another use for this. This brush is really soft, almost too soft for foundation application. I may try this for blush application soon. FYI - I've used this brush 5 times already and each time a hair or two does shed.

SS188 - LOVE!! This is great for really pigmented blushes and to apply your highlight color. This brush has not shed on me & the quality is great!!

Have you tried Sigma Brushes?


  1. ohhh!! Ive always wanted to try them!! they look great!

  2. I might have to try these.

    my blog:

  3. the 131 works great for cream blushes :) well at least for me hehe .. or my To the Beach Cream bronzer :D

  4. like Van said...I been meaning to tey them for soo long :D

  5. tammy, i love sigma brushes. i like my 131, but once trying to spot cleam my brush with a hand towel and brush cleaner, the ends of my bristles got tangly and unruly =( that was the only negative thing about my whole sigma experience. i also use the brush for powder blush. it's flat/tapered shape helps me to keep the blush in one area rather than accidentally buffing my entire cheek. hehe!

  6. I hear good things about Sigma. I know a lot of youtubers endorse them too. Glad to hear they were a good deal for you! :)

  7. i have yet to try sigma...because they are SO darn spendy. but they are on my wishlist. haha. :)

    im gonna have to save up now!


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