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Food Porn! Food Porn!! Food Porn!!

NOTE: Do not read if you are hungry!!

So I had another blog entry planned for today, but I was just notified the product I had reviewed is now being RECALLED!! Agh...

On to the next one..

Last two weekends the hubby & I decided to be piggys and indulge!! Here are some of the goodies we ate & the reviews we read from Yelp. I mean who doesn't use Yelp to help them decide where to eat right? Note: I do not post reviews on Yelp, just not my thing...I

Teros - Yelp Review
Here was our dinner on Saturday night, we went to a Portuguese place & ordered only apps & rice..
That's how we roll...we want to try it all!!

Shrimp in garlic sauce. LOVE!

Spicy chorizo. My mouth is watering looking at this good!

Yellow rice for carbs.

Mussels for the hubby..he said they were good. I'll take his word for it, I don't like mussels.  =P

Raymond's - Yelp Review

Sunday Brunch!

Hubby's meal  Steak, & eggs on a potato (pesto infused - his words) pancake.

Mine!! French toast on REAL french bread with a roasted pineapple slice..everything was devine, but damn this was the best pineapple I've EVER had..yum!!

To finish the munchie fest we went & bought cupcakes...funfetti & pina colada. I wish I remembered the name of the place we bought these from, but I don't.  =(    The funfetti cupcake was really good, we never got around to eatting the pina colada!!

Toast - Yelp Review
This Sunday this was our breakfast/lunch = brunch. We decided to go to a new place called Toast, which had pretty good reviews on Yelp. I must say I will definitely go back to this place again. The place had 2 floors and the set up was very Cape Cody, everything was very open & I felt like I was on vacation.

On to the food!!
My breakfast was the called the Island Girl - Belgian waffle with coconut, mango, and pineapple. LOVE!

Sides - Scrambled eggs (hubby's), over roasted potatoes (bland!), bacon(decent, a little soft & not as crispy as I like it).

Hubby's -French toast with nutella and strawberries.  YUMMY!!!

I would definitely go back here.

So where have you eaten lately??


  1. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i neglected your "note" and read while hungry lol

  2. Oh my holy delicious food. I didn't listen to you're warning even though I'm starving...can't say I wasn't warned.

  3. Soo. I wasnt hungry before I read your I AM. I am a new follower of your blog.
    You are more than welcome to follow me at:
    Happy Blogging.

  4. omg girl you have been feasting lately! haha good thing i feel superful right now otherwise i would be dying! haha and btw what was the product that's being recalled?!

  5. T_T I ignored your note as I just ate dinner but now.....I''m kind of hungry again..FRENCH TOAST~!!!!

  6. DAmmit why didn't I heed the warning you gave!!


    Now I'm jealous AND hungry!! LOL!

  7. i totally lurk on yelp as well, even though i keep meaning to sign up so i can add to reviews of places.

    umm...can i have some of that french toast with the pineapple please? GAH! good thing i'm making breakfast for dinner tonight :)


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