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Welcome to the Jersey Shore!!

This is a personal entry, nothing makeup related here!! There are a lot of pictures & I will let them do most of the talking..enjoy!!

Remember that time in your life when your biggest concern was trying to decide what ice cream flavor to pick..? That's the time in my life that the Jersey Shore brings me back to - mind you I don't think I ever really went there as a kid, but that's the mindset it reminds me of.

The hubby & I go there to play games, walk on the beach, & eat junk food.

Now I know most of us have heard about the reality show called The Jersey Shore, it's a show that follows 'guidos' around during the summer. The first season was filmed at Seaside Heights, which is where the hubby & I went to. Seaside Heights is actually quite mellow & relaxed on most days, if you go on a Saturday night or a holiday weekend then you will encounter a lot of the madness that you see on the show. The hubby & I are actually huge fans of the show, even though it's a complete stereotype of what JOISY is like. Therefore on our latest visit we HAD to check out some of the spots that the show filmed at.  =)

Without further ado I will show you what the Jersey Shore is normally like, sprinkled with some Jersey Shore landmark pictures..

As soon as we get to the boardwalk we usually walk the whole boardwalk first to try and decide what we want to do first....

On to the boardwalk...

I know a lot of people think the Jersey Shore is dirty, but it's not...
Look!! It's no island water, but it's nice..

haha!! They didn't have anyone to shoot at when we passed by..  =(

A water park...I've never been to this one, because it's usually PACKED when we go..

The spot where Snooki danced by HERSELF to get some guys attention.

It was really windy so these weren't on, I love riding in these...


OMG this thing looked so cool!! These are water bubbles that allow you to walk on water!

One shot baby!!! The spot where Ronnie knocked some guy out in one punch.

The store the cast 'worked' at..

My hubby & his guido pose..

The first MTV shorehouse..

The end of the boardwalk...I think these houses are so pretty...
I would love to retire & live in a house like this near the beach, not this beach

All that walking made us hungry...time for junk food!!

Those fries were so good!!

Time to walk some more....
Lookie...a rainbow!!

Actually it was a DOUBLE rainbow!! That was actually the first time the hubby & I saw a double rainbow!! So purdy!!

We wanted a closer look at the rainbows so we walked on the beach..

Our feet in the sand..

We even decided to be brave the cold, cold water to get our feet wet..

The sun was setting & the water was REALLY cold so back to the boardwalk we went..

It's not a good trip unless I get ice cream or funnel cake..
Vanilla/chocolate twist with rainbow sprinkles..yuumy!!!

The BeachComber...where Snooki was hit!

Uhoh...the clouds came out & it looked like it was going to inside we went to play some games..

I kept trying to win a Domo!! Domo reminds me of Jenn...  

After the games we decided to see what our alter egos would like..

Playing with fun house mirrors..
We're so little!!

eww...look how long his arms

OMG...look at THAT torso...

Muscle man!!

My arm looks like it belongs to gumby!!

Ok, ok...enough fun for the night...but before we go we had to look for The Jersey Shore house that they filmed at...

& we found it!

I read that this house will be $15,000 a night to rent on the 4th of July weekend, anyone wanna go halfsies...???


And that ladies is The Jersey Shore you don't see on TV!!


  1. lol! Free the Domo's! Domo will fist pump with you! lol!

  2. I'm more of a pt. pleasant beach go-er. I loved going there as a kid and I loved the funnel cakes!

  3. those pics make me want to visit the jersey shore :) and damn that pizza looks good right now! I think of Prey whenever I see Domo too, haha...and the other Jenn when I see Labbit!

  4. LOL "Shoot A Guido"! Haha!! Mmm all that boardwalk food looks yum!! ANd you are right not dirty at all, but I never thought that anyway.

    You and the hubby are soo cute in them fun mirrors! And that water ball thing looks neat!

    Haha a tank full of Domos!! Makes me think of Jen/Prey! LOL!

  5. I love this post! What a relaxed looking area. Thank you for sharing.

    Now Tammy - those beaches look empty! I would have loved for you to muck about in the sand with an old school swimming cozzie - you know the ones that reach your knees!!


  6. Damn you!!! I love living in Atlanta but there's NO FREAKIN' BEACH here >_<
    P.S. Jersey is DIRTAYY (<-sorry I had to say it, it's my inner Lawng Island girl saying it, not really me.


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