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Quick & Easy Press on Nail Removal | #pressonnails

Swing!! Shop!! Swine!!

Ever since Carrie took a trapeze class on SATC I wanted to take a class too!! It just looks like so much fun & absolutely freeing. When Kay suggested that we take the class together when she came to NY I jumped on the chance to have someone else there with me, I made it an early birthday present to myself. =)

We meet at Port Authority bus station & walked over to the trapeze class. We picked the indoor location because we didn't want the class to be cancelled and the weather here in April is very unpredictable. This class was in a very questionable part of town & we kept saying to each other - 'this can't be right..ok, one more block.'  LOL  But, we MADE it!!

We were the only 2 beginners in the class so it felt like we were getting our very own private lesson. There were 3 instructors there in total and they were all really nice, but some were clearly better at teaching than others. There was a female instructor who prepped us at the top of the board and she had a  GINORMOUS bottom (yes, I said bottom!!)..I mean she could make Kim K jealous that things was HUGE, and she was tiny!! There were two male instructors - one was our teacher & he had oddly patched hair chest, I know this because he INSISTED on removing his shirt when we got to the catching part of the class. The last instructor was really mellow & nice, but he seemed very interested in learning new words from Kay. I think he had a crush!  ;)

This is what you see when you walk's really not that high.

We don't have a ton of pictures because Kay & I went right after each other, so as she was jumping I was climbing the ladder & as I was jumping she was getting out of the ropes. We did manage to get some though..the pictures of me below Kay took. Thank you Kay!! 

Me reaching for the bar..


I'm trying to get my feet over the bar, this part was super hard for me!!!

Yay!! I did it!!!!

Notes on the class:
-You really don't feel the height of the jump, because there is an instructor who controls your momentum. In other words - it's not an "I'm falling to my death" feeling, more like floating.
-This class is fun, but it IS a workout!! I definitely the burn. I also have a ton of bumps and bruises AND I'm still REALLY sore today..I can barely change my shirt because lifting my arms hurts so badly..LOL
-We learned how to swing on the bar upside down, how to do a back flip off of the bar, & how to be caught by the instructor.

Would I take the class again??
Well if you saw me walking around yesterday & today you would assume I would say no, but you would be wrong. I had a hard time picking this up in the beginning of the class, but by the end I was a lot more comfortable & found the tricks easier to do. I would take this class again & I think I would do better because I would know what to expect & remember how much fun this is. I don't like being bad at

Thank you for sharing this experience with me Kay!!
After class we meet up with  Jenn, Diana, & her bf for lunch. Mona picked the place even though she didn't come.

They had a picture menu for newbies like me!!

I don't remember the name of this, but this had shrimp in it.

Sticky rice.
Dumplings with shrimp...yummy!!

The food was really good, but the waiters were playing games with our stomachs....they asked if we wanted more food, we said yes & then they would walk away without taking our order!! This happened like 3 times!!!
After lunch we did a little shopping & we got somethings off of Kay's to do list, oh the things we saw!!! ;)

After shopping what else did we do...??? Well eat of course!!!! It's what we DO!!

Once again Mona picked the place to eat..
There's Domo..he HAS to be in every picture...smh what an attention whore!!

This was my dinner..a pork chop over a potato mix, it was really good, but I was not a fan of the red sauce on the bottom. I don't remember what it was, but it was bitter.

A picture to prove that we all were really
In typical blogger fashion we picked a place with the best lighting, and it turned out to be some random apartment building...

A great time as always ladies!!! Thank you!!


  1. aww.. trapeze! that's awesome! looks alot of fun and i didn't think there would be much toning involved.. guess i was wrong.. glad u girls had fun!

  2. I'm glad you guys had fun! Thanks for looking after Kay--she looks so happy!

  3. @Mel - You have no idea how much toning is involved!!! My everything You use your arms & ab muscles to do almost everything.

    @Jamilla We had a great time & Kay is so much fun.

  4. trapeze looks amazingly cool!!!

    woo yummy

  5. Thank you for SUCH a great day! Your post is HILARIOUS!!!!! I really do hope we get to meet up again!

  6. glad you weren't abducted on the way to that trapeze class =P

    it was so much fun seeing you again with Jenn, Jenn, and especially Kay! I could totally go for some of those fried dumplings right now, haha

  7. @Yumkeo It was amazing!

    @Kay I had such a great time. It was nice meeting you. =)

    @Diana Things were scary there for a minute..I'm glad we weren't abducted I really want some dumplings too...they were so yummy.


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