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My Birthday - In Jersey We Pump FIST, NOT Gas!

Thank you for all of the Happy Birthday messages on Twitter & Facebook - you made my day so much brighter.

FYI-If you're wondering about the title - it is ILLEGAL to pump your own gas in NJ, every gas station is full service.

So I've always been one of those 'I don't like to celebrate my birthday type of people', but this year was different. I actually wanted to celebrate and I wanted things to be different.

I chose to go to a club by my house, it was walking distance so we could all be safe. We're smart drinkers..haha!!

The place I chose is definitely not my usual crowd, but that was part of the fun. The place was very Jersey Shore-ish with the gel, fist pumping, and house music. We all decided to play into the Jersey Shore role & fist pumped & wore mirrored glasses.

My Hubby & I with our State Trooper glasses.  ALL NJ Troopers wear these glasses, we call them the douche shades. I kinda like them

My dress. I really wanted to wear purple, but once I tried this one on I knew it was my party dress.
Dress: Joyce Leslie $30. Shoes: 5, 7, 9 $20.

My makeup. I did a very simple eye with very dramatic lashes. I wanted to focus on my glow.  ;)
These photos have not been retouched. I used MAC Shell Pearl as the highlight on my face.

I made my hubby do an outfit of the day too..hehe!!
What a hottie with his Express clothing.

A few of us started pregaming at my apartment first. Hubby made some YUMMY strawberry/banana jello shots.

We had a private section. I needed a picture by MY reserved sign.

Fist pumping Jersey Shore style!! This was VERY early in the

There always has to be a silly person to ruin the photo.  =P

My bestie & I. To quote her, "27 never looked so good!"

My best friend Carlos & I..he really likes those

Kisses from the bestie.

My sister & I. This is one of my FAVORITE pictures EVER!! We rarely photograph well together, one of us ALWAYS has our eyes closed. lol

Some of my favorite ladies.

LOL They were battling the music!!

Partial group shot!!

I decided to let my pictures do most of the talking. It was a great night & a great birthday. Once again we closed down the club, 2 weekends in a row?? We are party animals!! Just like every good club night, we ended the night at the diner...most of us didn't make it home till 6am!

Great night! Great family/friends! Great Birthday!!

Special thanks to my hubby who made sure it was a great birthday. <3 ya!

I will be back with makeup posts soon.  =)


  1. How fun!! You look so gorgeous and happy in your pics!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. u look hot!!! looks like a great time!!!

  3. Yes safety first! LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed your bday to the fullest with those you love! You and your sister look amazing! You just look so HOT in that gold dress! And hubby and all the friends are looking pretty stylish as well!

  4. You definitely had a great birthday! :)

  5. Happy belated birthday! Looks like it was a lot of fun. :D Love your dress! It looks hot on you! :D

  6. YOU ARE AN ADORABLE COUPLE!!!! I want to squish you both xx

    I love your dress, that colour is marvellous on you darling. The hubby looks very smart and you look like you has barrels of laughsx


  7. Im very happy you had a great birthday my love!I am head over heels in love with you and seeing your bright smile that night made my heart melt. I love you now and forever! MUAH!

  8. @Jamilla Thank you!

    @Jillian Thank you! I adore your default picture, the red lips are perfect for you.

    @Sofia Thank you. =)

    @WuzzyAngel Yes we are one VAIN Thank you.

    @Dina Yes, I did!! It was a blast!

    @Catherine Thank you. =)

    @Old Cow Thank you honey!!!! One day we shall met & I will squish you!! =)

    @Hubby I love you babes!! Thank you for a fab birthday weekend.

  9. looks like it was a fun weekend of celebrating :) that gold dress looks great on you! and awww to the comment from your hubby :)

  10. awww how cute the hubby comments ur blog! lol you loooked AMAZING! and looks like u had a ton of fun too happy belated bday again! =]


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