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Product Review: Laura Mercier Waterproof Mascara

The lovely Jamilla sent me this mascara for Valentine's Day and so far I am loving it!!

Watch the video below for my review & pictures of how the mascara looks. If you don't feel like watching the video, a shorten written review is below it.    ;)

From the Nordstrom's website:
A waterproof formula with intense colour that lengthens and thickens lashes. Flake and smudge resistant.

0.35 oz.  $20.00  Buy yours here.

-My lashes look really dark & full when using this.
-Smudgeproof. YAY no flaking!
-ZERO flaking.
-One coat is enough for a daytime look.
-Two coats and it looks like you're wearing falsies.

-The price, I've NEVER spent $20 on a mascara before.
-This product does clump after more than 2 coats.

I would definitely buy this product again. It has become my every day mascara for casual and dramatic wear.

Thank you Jamilla I love this mascara!


  1. Great review! I could never spend that much on a mascara either, seeing how it always dries up after a few months!

  2. I am so THRILLED that you like the mascara!! It looks great on your lashes!

    Great review!

  3. Great review! The price is really a nay, i don't think i would spend that much on a mascara as well.

  4. i think the most expensive mascara i've bought/used is the majo majo lash expander...that ish is inSANE, but kind of a pain to take off, haha

  5. Wow the mascara looks amazing on you!! your lashes so lush!! Isn't it always the price being the downside on the products we love?! LOL!


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