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Another Excuse to Party is OK with me!

This weekend my brother in law got married!! Here are some pics from that day..

My mother in law with her boys.

The bride & groom.

My sil (sister in law - pics below). I did her hair & makeup for the wedding, but we were in such a rush I didn't get a good picture of it. Here are 2 really good pics of her though.

Doesn't she look so mobster here..?? I mean HARDCORE!! lol

The guys also took their best "I'm Important Pics" Cigar & whiskey in hand..lets be real guys..the lady above did it BEST!!

There was dancing..

The standard cheesy pics..
Me & Christine

Christine, Brian (brother in law), & me

This may be my favorite picture ever of me & my hubby..!! Thanks Bri!!

The siblings...

There was also a photo booth where we all took some hilarious pics!! I promise to post those pics once they are up on the website.

Congrats to Kevin & Katie!!!


  1. Great post. You always look so frikkin beautiful in every post! Hiro things you are stunner too...hahaha

  2. congrats to them

    and that photo of u and hubs is gorgeous

  3. Muah! I love the pic of us babes, we need to frame it!

  4. Congrats to their wedding! you look really great here, so are they :D

  5. aw you guys look so cute together..Congrats on the wedding! :)

  6. congrats to the newlyweds :) you and your hubby look so cute in that pic!

    eye spy...quite a few fascinators in those photos!

  7. Looks like a great fun wedding! And you look amazing!

    Even though you can't see the MU to well, the hair you did looks fab! :)

    Congrats again to your BroNLaw!


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