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Some of My Favorite Things..

Happy Monday Ladies!!

I haven't done a favorites in a while so I thought I would share with you some things I'm currently loving.


ELF Blush in Candid Coral
This gives you the perfect flush & it has the perfect amount of shimmer in it, the sheen it leaves behind reminds me of a MAC Mineralize blush & this is only $3!

Left to Right: L'Oreal Extra Intense Liquid Pencil Eyeliner in Black, Maybelline Eyeshadow Quad in Copper Sheek, Maybelline Mascara in XXL Pro Curl in Very Black.

This L'oreal Eyeliner is great!! It reminds me a lot of Urban Decay 24/7 liner in Zero, except that it's cheaper!!
Maybelline Eyeshadow Quad in Copper Sheek is great for day & night. The colors are really soft & blend really nicely together, my current go to eyeshadow quad.
Maybelline XXL Pro Curl in Very Black - I seriously only bought this because Wuzzy is always talking about how good Maybelline mascaras are...well...she was RIGHT!!! This mascara totally makes me look like I'm wearing falsies!! My lashes look long & stay curled all day. AMAZING!! I do find this kind of hard to take off, but that's ok...I'm willing to pay the price because my lashes look amazing with this on.  

Maybelline ColorSensational Lipstick in She's Born With It
This color is so pretty! It gives you the lightest hint of pink & doesn't dry your lips out at all. It honestly feels like a tinted chapstick. This product does have a bit of smell to it, but I love it!! It smells a bit like vanilla. 

Sinful Colors Nail Polishes
I've been really into glitter nail polishes lately & these polishes are great at only $2 each. I bought mine at Rite Aid, but I know these can be found at Walgreens too.

Hair Care

Hair One Cleansing Conditioner
I bought this product at Sally Beauty supply in hopes of it being a good dupe for the Wen Cleansing Conditioner. Well this is even better than the Wen!! Many of you ladies have been complimenting me on my hair lately (Thank you!!)& this is the secret!! It does take some time to get used to using one product on your hair, but the results are amazing. I really do recommend this product to everyone! My scalp is no longer itchy, my hair rarely gets tangled, & always looks super shiny! This is a must try.
fyi-for those of you unfamiliar with cleansing conditioners, it's a product that serves all of your hair care needs. You use this product as a shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, & anti frizz. Everything! I know it's hard to believe, but this product works great. Sally Beauty Supply sells samples for only $1 so it's definitely worth a try.

edit: For those of you who are unfamiliar with cleansing conditioners and how they work, this site does a really good job of explaining it -

Cibu Spring Roll Shampoo & Masque
You all know I'm obsessed with Cibu styling products, right?? I mean they are amazing!!! Until now though I hadn't found a shampoo or conditioner from this line that I loved. Well that has changed!!! I won't go into a full review now, because I'm working on a separate entry for that. These product are great for those with a natural wave or curl & for those who want to achieve that look, in other words-EVERYONE! Plus it smells like fruit stripes bubble gum..yum!!

Cibu Spring Roll Shaping Creme
My new HG hair product, I swear this and a little Cibu Ancient Serum & I'm good to go!! This tames my waves & curls in the best way, without weighing them down or leaving my hair crunchy. This is a GREAT creme & it definitely encourages your hair to curl.

Skin Care

Face Shop Post-Acne Nighttime Spot Eraser
 It's does exactly what it claims..lightens your acne scars!! What's great about this product is that not only does it work, but it works quickly. I noticed a major difference in my acne scars in just one week.

L'oreal Studio Secrets Magic Perfecting Base
I love this stuff!! I'm really not a primer type of person, they always make me break out & I feel like they always give me some weird freaky white cast in pictures. Not with this product! This base makes my makeup stay on longer & immediately makes my shininess go away. Another perk is that my BB cream is now a perfect match with this underneath! I'll do a full review on this soon too.

What are your current favorite products?


  1. becos my mind isnt quite fully does it function as shampoo, conditioner and then leave in conditioner?

    do u wash it and rinse out like shampoo first and then reapply or u just dont ever rinse it out

    everyone is talking abt tat faceshop eraser. sounds like i gotta go make a trip to the store!

  2. Thanks for sharing your faves.....I saw the L'oreal studio secret at ULTA & I just ignored i want to try it...& those sinful colors nailpolish are such a great deal...& i like it cuz' they had so much pretty colors to choose from...

  3. Thanks for sharing! you have some great products here :) I've got to get myself a Face Shop Post-Acne Nighttime Spot Eraser to try out! It sounds like exactly what I need.

  4. oooh I LOVE that that Extra-Intense liner too! I have mine in gray cuz the black one is always sold out LOL

  5. i love XXL mascara! the elf blush packaging makes it look like NARS wanna be packaging lol how much is that loreal primer stuff?

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your favs! It gave me some products that I totally need to check out!

  7. Nice list! I def have to try Maybelline mascaras...I haven't given them a go yet. And I can't wait till those quads come out here!

  8. Thanks for sharing! I really want to try that spot eraser...

  9. I need that liner!!! UD Zero is the business! If I can get something like the business for less of my $$$. Whoot Whoot!!!!
    P.S. Thanks for the cheer up txt the other night. I meant a lot. Sometimes I just wanna give up and take my ass home. Then the weather shoot up to 60, so I'm better it's supposed to be warm for a while.

  10. i tried to leave a comment in ur cbox but there's no thingy to write in! lol i tried looking for it at walmart & target but i couldn't find it! =[ did you get the primer at cvs?

  11. OMG!!! Cibu Cibu Cibu!! =) I so wanna try Cibu.. That's one of the products I will try soon :D

  12. Hey sis that hair one has been great..especially on your nieces super curly, dry locks. Its got shine, sheen, bounce and its not frizzy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  13. the L'oreal liner is definitely one of my favorite liners to date - if they made more colors then there would be no reason to buy MUFE! for a basic black pencil liner though, I totally love it. haha, you know I love those Sinful polishes - they've been popping up at CVS now too.

    I'm totally buying another backup of the spot eraser when I come up to NYC in April =P I just started trying out some Cibu products (Geishalishious and Hue Nu since I just colored my hair) and a smoothing cream that smells like bananas...but that cleansing conditioner is pretty interesting - and if your hair looks that gorgeous from it, I know I'm going to pick up a sample bottle the next time I go to Sally's :)

  14. I've got to try out that L'Oreal primer!

    I'm glad you're liking your new Twilight mascara too!

  15. i am with you about the faceshop thing. I used it and i was like wow! the stuff really fades! I am so happy I got one now! w00t!

  16. Do you know where I can buy the post acne eraser on-line?

  17. Great faves! You've got me wanting to try so many of these things especially the primer and post acne treatment!

  18. Where in NYC did you get the Cibu products?


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