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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Contest Winner & Ramblings

The winner of the Missha sampler pack is.....

Congrats!! I'll be mailing your package out soon!!  =)

btw--Did you know I'm also having a giveaway on my YouTube channel..?? Maybe you should check it out. ;)

So I've been feeling a little behind the scenes this week...reviewing hair care products has left my randomness out of this blog!! Boo! I decided to share some pictures with you that show what I've been up to this week..

Currently Reading..

Currently Listening to..

Currently Testing..

Recent Purchases..

Can't wait to try..

The license plate says clockwork!! Awesome!!

For those that don't get the reference...the car is orange..clockwork orange!!

Well that's all for now!! I'll be back tomorrow with my last hair care entry of the week. Next week begins skin care...yay!! Anyone else excited..? lol


  1. OMG you will LOVE the 30 Day Shred!! And Congrats to my Vanessa love!

  2. hey girl i'm using the 30 day shred too! level 1 is pretty easy, but damn level 2 is like wtf?! can i go back to level 1? LOL!

  3. Congrats to Van on winning!!

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Revlon photo ready! :)


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~Mother Teresa~

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