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Do you remember your first job..?

Hi Ladies!!

Do you remember your first job..?? I do!! I worked at Bakers Shoe Store & I hated every minute of it (except for the 50% discount!!). LOL  I worked there so I could finally start buying things for movie tickets, clothes, makeup..the usual!!

If you've been following me for a while you know that I have a niece & nephew that I adore!!

So why am I talking about this..? Well it's my niece's turn to have her 1st job & she's decided to become an Avon rep!!! Woot!!!

Come on we all remember what it's like being young & needing money to do things you want & constantly having to ask your parents for it..!! Well she's trying to be proactive & make her own money!!

Click on the link below & purchase your Avon/Meet Mark products from her!!

BTW--Have you seen the new Ungaro Makeup line that Avon is currently selling...?? To die for!!


  1. That's great that she wants to take on responsiblity with a job! Congrats & good fortune to her!

    LOL My first "REAL" job was at Big Burrito. Don't ask! LOL!

  2. wow, good luck to your niece!
    my first job is selling stationary, if it can be called as job :D

  3. hi, i think its my first time being on your blog, but i really love your slogan, "confidence, wear it..." Confidence is everything. I saw your pictures on the left and had thought you were a younger girl- but then I saw info and you were married...>< An avon rep as her first job? I think she'll get a great learning experience w/marketing and sales-not to mention people skills. i hope she does well!
    I hope you can stop by my page!

    Thanks in advance :)

  4. You are the best titi ever. Love you sis!

  5. thx titi luv ya-kiki;]


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