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Saie Dew Blush in Sweetie #saiebeauty #saieblush #liquidblush #liquidmakeup #pinkblush

Update & FOTD

Hi Ladies!!

I just wanted to give you a quickie update...I've been sick for the past few weeks so I haven't been updating or even been around as much as I would like, but I've been trying to post a few things here & there for you. ;)

I'm not sure if it's the weather or being sick, but I just haven't been in the mood to do much when I get home from work. I get in, change into pj's, & watch TV ALL night till it's time to go to  Anyone else start to hibernate when winter comes around..??

A few of my YT subbies & a few of you lovely ladies have asked me what makeup I was wearing in my most recent blog entries/videos. BTW--If you haven't already noticed I like to film several videos in 1one day, I don't like wasting good makeup & lighting..haha!! Sorry I don't have a close up picture.  =(

Here's the FOTD

Almay Pure Blends Foundation in Honey
Bobbi Brown Corrector in Peach
Avon Jillian Dempsey Blush in Vintage Shimmer

Maybelline Eyeshadow palette in Gratifying Green - I used the colors the way the palette has them labelled to be used.
ELF lashes in dramatic


This was a really simple look, but I think the lashes really made the look pop.

Has anyone else tried the eyeshadow palettes from the Maybelline Bold Collection..?  They're my new favorites..


  1. I do hope you feel better soon! Holidays are coming up! Need you healthy to enjoy them! :)

    THe FOTD is gorgeous! Can't even tell you're wearin falsies!

  2. Always looking so goo baby! Muah!!!

  3. I hope you feel better soon! :)

    Very pretty FOTD!

  4. i toooootally feel like hibernating when winter starts to set in...wake me in april/may please!

    your eyes really stand out in that photo - i'm not sure if it's the eyeshadows or the elf lashes, but you look gorgeous!


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