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My Halloween Weekend - Picture Heavy

This weekend I went to Salem & Boston to celebrate Halloween. We had a great time!! Here are pictures from our trip. =)


We started the day off by going to the Sam Adams Brewery in Boston.

After the brewery tour was done we hopped on a trolley that took us to a place called Doyle's to eat. This trolley was INSANE!! It had a system and disco lights in it!! We partied the whole way there and the whole way back..LOL

Next stop was..'s NORM!!
The guys being fresh..

Saturday night we decided to stay in Boston for Halloween because we heard that the traffic to get into Salem was horrible! We ended up finding a pretty cool bar that was having a Halloween dance party & costume contest.
Here's what we were..
Why does my Popeye look like he wants to punch me..?
Ok that's better!!
Carlos & Christine - pirates

We saw some really cool costumes at this party!

Austin Powers

Stewie & Brian

More cowbell baby!!

Jon & Kate are back together!!


On Sunday we went to Salem and did the tourist thing.
Uhoh..I was a bad girl!!
We went to the Old Spot..

We went to the House of Seven Gables, we weren't allowed to take any pictures inside. =(
The house had a really cool secret passage way & a secret room!

Here are some random pictures we took outside of the House of Seven Gables.

Our trip ended with a visit to ...
We like beer..can you tell.?? lol The sampler rack.

So that was my Halloween weekend!! Tell me about yours!!


  1. it looks like you had such a great time! excellent pictures!

  2. omg that looks like so much fun
    can i come spend halloween with u next time

  3. aww.. u and ur hubby's too cute! i've never been to salem before.. ooh, very intriguing now =D

  4. omg I love what u did for halloween..I love ur costumes!! u and ur hubby look so good together!! **HUGS**

  5. Sam Adams eh?! LOL! And whoa a pimped out trolley?! Cool beans! And you went to CHEERS! How awesome is that! See I'm such a tourist! LOL!

    Love your Popeye & Olive Oyle costumes!! Olive looks good with some curves! ;) Yes Stewie & Brian! My faves from Family Guy! :) And Jon & Kate! LOL! Did you see Regis & Kelly as them? Now that was hilarious!

    Those are some beautiful pics of Salem! I'm glad you had fun!! :)

  6. Wow, photos are great! Looks like you had a blast on the weekend!

  7. mmm beer :) haha one of those sample glasses would be plenty for a lightweight like me! your halloween costume was really cute - i agree with wuz, olive oyle is much better with some curves!

  8. You looked like you had a lot of fun!! You & Popeye looks so cute =]

    STEWIE!! LOL and I love that picture of the plain house and then the pop of orange color from the pumpkin!!

    Follow me?

  9. I love this post!!!!

    Looks like you had a fab time in your adorable costumes.

  10. Looks like so much fun!! Great costumes too! :)

  11. I love your pics! Boston is my fave city, that's where Jason and I are heading after Atlanta. Yes, lots of moving!


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