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Enzo Milano - Ramblings/Review/Demonstration

My ramblings/review/demonstration on the enzo milano curling iron.

I also show off my beautiful earrings from Diana again.  ;)


  1. Love the curls! ANd D's earrings, and YOU!

  2. so i watched this last night but was too tired to comment =P danke for the link love! the curling iron looks pretty interesting - makes me think of the scene in Little Women where Jo's curling her sister's hair...minus the part where she burns part of her hair though!

  3. Curls look great on you! My curls seem to never hold =.=

  4. Dude, when I was in CA, I was THIS close to buyin' the Corioliss set that had the straightener, the curling wand and the dryer. Mofo was damn expensive tho!!! The guy did tight ass curls on me and i was in loooove. Sooooo, i just ended up gettin a "HerStyler". Hopefully I get it before xmas! :)

    You have naturally pretty hair, my shit is a mess!!!


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