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Eyeshadow Tip | #makeuptips #eyeshadowtips

Tag Love

I was one of the LUCKY ladies to attend the dinner in NY in honor of Lady L, but my camera was acting up big time so you won't be getting any pictures from me. =( Believe when I say that plenty of pictures were taken though. I'm sure some of the other ladies will have their pictures up soon though.


Kay from Bihada Diaries has tagged me.

TAG: Over The Top!

One word answers to the following questions!

Where's your cell phone: desk

Your hair: shiny

Your mother: miss

Your father:

Favorite Food: fries

Dream last night: cat

Favorite drink: pepsi

What room are you: office

Hobby: blogging

Fear: drowning

Where were you last night: ulta

Something that you aren't: graceful

Muffins: jiffy

Wish list item: shadows

Where did you grow up: NJ

What are you wearing: sweater

Your pets: Domino

Friends: miss

Something you're not wearing: shorts

Favorite store: F21

Favorite color: purple

Last time you laughed: today

Your best friend: crazy

Place you go to over and over: work

Person who emails you regularly: hubby

Favorite place to eat: home

TAG: I think you are an awesome girl!

I have to share 10 facts about myself.

1. I write & edit most of my posts all in 1 day for the week.

2. I think I look better with the natural makeup look, but that gets so boring!! LOL

3. Blogger ladies are truly some of my favorite people. I don't need to explain why I need ANOTHER purple agree & encourage me to buy

4. Biology was one of my favorite subjects in school. So boring but true, my senior year I took 3 Bio classes when I only needed to take 1 - NERD!!

5. Speaking of being a nerd, I truly enjoy going to the library & book stores. I can get lost in there for hours.

6. I eat my rice with the beans on top, not on the side. My way is the right way. =P

7. Pepsi is my coffee & I drink it every morning.

8. I am really scared of story as to why isn't that interesting, but it traumatized

9. I tend to wear boots every day for the winter..snow or not..they're comfy & cute.

10. Twitter is the 1st website I go to every morning.

Vanessa started this great tag that I decided to do too!!

WHO, WHAT and/or WHEN did you get started with makeup & blogging?


I've always loved makeup. I mean LOVED!!! I'm guessing it began from my grandma because she's the only woman in my family who wore ANY makeup. I remember touching all the perfume bottles & lipsticks on her dresser every morning. She would even let me apply lipstick while I danced around to La Bamba while she was in the shower. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!

I can't say I really had any teachers in learning how to use makeup because my grandma died when I was really young & all the other females in my family thought (still do) that makeup is a waste of time & $. My mom caved when I was around 10 letting me begin with clear gloss & by the time I was 14 I could do as I pleased with makeup. I took full advantage too!! I rocked the dark purple/black lip before it was even cool & not in a goth way!! LOL Sorry I don't really have a lot of pictures from when I was 12-17, my acne was so bad I avoided pictures & cameras a lot!! Whatever pictures were taken I tore them up, I wish I hadn't done that!!!! I wish I still had those pictures so I could show you how great my blending skills were then (NOT!). LOL

I've always had the Not A Rich Girl mentality when it came to makeup & I've always tried my best to buy affordable items. When I first started playing with makeup my favorite brands were Wet N Wild & Bonne Bell, like most of us..LOL Blogging has made me see the beauty of higher end makeup, but I try to control myself. ;)


I had been reading blogs for a while before I decided to start my own blog. A particular blogger I loved & still do is Karen from I told myself I wanted to be just like her when I started blogging, well didn't work out that I didn't realize how much work blogging was until I finally started blogging!! I decided to start my own blog because when I first came across beauty blogs I realized there weren't that many bloggers that had my skin tone. I hoped that whatever little info I did have would help others. Hmm..that makes me realize that my blog hasn't always been going in the direction I would like it to be going in....I may revamp things soon. ;)

Thank you for the tags!! I tag anyone who wants to participate!!

What's your story..??


  1. oh haha, I love fries too... seriously... it's not healthy and I don't eat it all the time, but it's so yum! I like it with mayo and onions! :P


  2. Congratz on the tags!!

    I was into makeup in grade 6 when I started using lip smackers. ;) By grade 7 and 8, I started exploring the drugstore makeup aisles for hours. I got a couple of makeup and kept with the natural look and still am. My family also think makeup is a waste of time & money. They also think it's bad for the skin.

    I first started blogging was way back. I was just getting started with beauty and searched up commercials on YouTube to watch, LOL. I then saw a video of echoli doing a review on the Neutrogena Dry Touch Sunscreen. I was intrigued and started exploring other gurus too. I then started making videos but got too chicken and I saw that people were starting to use blogger. & That's how I came along.

    Please visit my blog at

  3. Thank you for sharing your story with us! I was kinda like that too! LOL! ;)

    Glad to hear you guys has fun this past weekend! :)

  4. I like reading Karen's blog too. I started blogging because I didn't want to be just a lurker reading other's blogs. I thought maybe I could have my input too. Anyhow, just saying hi! Oh, and what is your skin tone that not many have?


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